The cooperative of cooperatives

ActelGrup, better together

Welcome message from the President

Welcome to the ActelGrup website. Here, we present our cooperative company born from the passion and work of a group of farmers who joined forces over 40 years ago to pursue a common goal: the creation of a second-tier cooperative, today at the forefront of the Catalan food production sector and a leader on the national level.
Our cooperatives, producers and workers play starring roles in this participatory desire which represents an immense source of pride, a great responsibility and, at the same time, our great strength.

At ActelGrup, we work in pursuit of sustainable, environmentally friendly agriculture, safeguarding the future of our young farmers and the continuity of the land. ActelGrup is our philosophy of life and work. We are farmers and cooperative members, we are the present and future of our cooperative company, the best place where we can be now and always.

Josep Maria Codina

ActelGrup, because we’re better together

About us

We are a second-tier cooperative with 43 years of history. Currently formed by 102 first-tier cooperatives from 5 autonomous communities: Aragon, Catalonia, Castile and León, Extremadura and Valencia.

More than 6.500 families, 430 workers and 7 work sites. Since its founding in 1980, ActelGrup has been at the service of its cooperatives, members, workers and clients.

We aim to provide a comprehensive service to cooperatives, from the field to sales, and to add as much value as possible to our members’ productions from the sections of fruit, extensive crops and supplies to Central, our insurance agency.

Quality products from the source