Member services and grant management

A cross-cutting area

Specialised services

At ActelGrup, we offer an extensive catalogue of services designed for our affiliated cooperatives and producers.

A team of qualified professionals specialised in each of the products we offer and broadly experienced in the sector. A team in continuous training that stays up-to-date on all the news in the food production sector.

Service catalogue

The area of Member Services and Financial Aid is responsible for the advising, processing, presentation and follow-up of the file, response to claims and/or allegations from the following services:

Phytosanitary products applicator and handler licence

Processing and/or renewal of the licence. It is aimed at everybody who have to apply or handle any phytosanitary product for professional use in any situation.

Single Agricultural Declaration (DUN)

Common Agricultural Policy (PAC)

Filing the tax return and applying for grants associated with a producer’s farm operation.

Annual Nitrogen Declaration (DAN)

Declaration of the origin and destination of the nitrogen fertiliser applications and livestock dejections on the farm.

General Farming Contract (CGE)

Application for financial aid geared toward agricultural production: youth, competitiveness and mitigation.

Transfer of basic payment rights

Presenting transfers from one producer to another, whether due to inheritance, lease, sale, permanent transfers, etc.

Agro-environmental plan

Communication of the agro-environmental management plan, on behalf of farm property owners who have applied for agro-environmental aid.

Management of operational programmes (OPFH)

Handling and submission of the producers’ aid applications through the operational programme of the Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisation (OPFH).

Field logs and fertilisation books

The document used to record all phytosanitary treatments performed on the farm.

Livestock Dejection Management Plan

Document containing all destinations and everything related to the managing of livestock dejections.

Advising and processing of other financial aid

Submission of applications for the various forms of aid available to producers.

Technical inspection of phytosanitary application machines (ITEAF)

Technical inspection of phytosanitary application machines, agricultural vehicle inspection or inspection of phytosanitaries, sprayers and atomisers.

Instructional and informational talks

Instructional and / or informational sessions on the subject of agriculture.



Grant aid and service administrator


Financial aid and service technician


Financial aid and service technician



Extensive technician

Alejandra Frisach

Grants and new projects technician

For more information, you can reach us at: